Ai Gen: A Story About Max

Al Jeneratid
2 min readMar 13, 2023


Once upon a time, there was a person named Max who lived with their siblings in a small house. Max was known for leaving notes around the house, asking their siblings to clean up after themselves. However, Max never lifted a finger to clean anything themselves, even when they made a mess.

Max would often complain about being woken up by their loud siblings in the morning. But, once Max was awake, they would turn on loud music or start shouting and wake up their other siblings. Max seemed to have no sense of self-awareness and didn’t realize that they were being just as disruptive as their siblings.

Despite their bad habits, Max’s siblings still loved them and tried to understand their behavior. One day, Max’s siblings decided to confront them about their habits. They explained how Max’s actions were causing tension in the household and asked them to try to be more considerate of others.

At first, Max was defensive and tried to shift the blame onto their siblings. However, as they listened to their siblings’ perspective, Max began to see how their behavior was affecting others. They apologized for their actions and promised to make an effort to change.

Over time, Max started to clean up after themselves and became more conscious of how their behavior affected others. They also started to find other ways to express themselves rather than being loud and disruptive, such as writing in a journal or taking up a hobby.

Max’s siblings were proud of them for making changes and the household became a more peaceful and harmonious place to live. Max learned the value of self-awareness and how their actions can impact others, leading them to become a better person.

